UX Designer

Structured Peer Evaluation Tool

Role: UX Designer, 2013

The web-based Structured Peer Evaluation (SPE) Tool was developed under the purview of PLOS Labs as a proof of concept to assess the feasibility of a fast, transparent, and structured method for evaluating scientific research.

Design Process

Design Process

Ideation: I worked through the initial product ideation phase using pen and paper. This low-tech approach allowed me to rapidly explore, ideate, and share concepts with my team and other stakeholders.

  Wireframes:  Once the product ideation phase was complete, I distilled product concepts into low-fidelity wireframes. These were used as input to product strategy discussions and for early user tests.

Wireframes: Once the product ideation phase was complete, I distilled product concepts into low-fidelity wireframes. These were used as input to product strategy discussions and for early user tests.

Completed Design

Completed Design

The Structured Peer Evaluation Tool consists of a single page comprised of a series of numbered, expanding sections, each section containing a form allowing the reviewer to assess a specific aspect of the manuscript being evaluated. Completed sections are collapsed and a truncated version of the reviewer’s answer is displayed as a mnemonic indicator.

Please note that the following illustrations are examples only and do not reflect an actual evaluation of the manuscript depicted here.
